Many individuals have encountered back pain, a prevalent issue. In most cases, ignorance during one’s life may lead to such discomfort. To alleviate this, resting on a high-quality floor mattress might help.
In this guide, we aim to provide concise details about back pain, and we address a frequently posed question about encountering this issue when initially reclining.
Let’s gradually explore this subject:
What is back pain?
According to Medicine Net, back pain is discomfort felt in the lower or upper back. Also referred to as a backache, this discomfort spans across the back. We can categorize the back into three distinct areas:
- Neck pain (cervical)
- Middle back pain (thoracic)
- Lower back pain (lumbar)
Of these, the lumbar region often endures significant pain when discomfort begins. This area is particularly susceptible. Numerous parts of the body, such as muscles, ligaments near the spine, the spinal column, vertebrae, and internal organs in the abdominal and pelvic regions, can be impacted by back pain.
Approximately 95% of adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives. This condition gradually impairs productivity by causing persistent discomfort across various organs. In the USA, back pain is the fifth primary reason for medical consultations and results in 40% of missed workdays. It also ranks as one of the top causes of disability globally.
Although most back pain cases have indeterminate origins, we have categorized back pain into stages based on symptoms and duration:
- Pain under six weeks is termed ‘acute back pain’.
- Pain lasting 6-12 weeks is called ‘subacute back pain’.
- Pain persisting over 12 weeks is defined as ‘chronic back pain’.
Why do we suffer from back pain?
Several factors contribute to back pain. Here are some common causes:
- Arthritis.
- Osteoporosis.
- Bulging or ruptured disks.
- Muscle or ligament strain.
- Skeletal irregularities.
- Excessive height.
- Cigarette smoking.
- Physically demanding jobs.
For your benefit, we also list some symptoms of back pain below:
- Pain extending to your leg.
- Pain that eases with lying down.
- Muscle soreness.
- Pain that intensifies with bending, lifting, standing, or walking.
- Sharp or stabbing pain.
Fortunately, most back pain can be resolved with home remedies and care. Nonetheless, adapting lifestyle changes and maintaining discipline in daily activities is essential to combat back pain.
Below, a video where Dartmouth-Hitchcock providers Colleen Olson and Dr. Adam Pearson discuss why remaining active is crucial for lower back pain management.
Is back pain related to lying down?
Back pain can surface from various factors while lying down. An improper sleeping position is a primary cause of such discomfort. Failing to align the spine correctly with the upper body during sleep can exert undue pressure on the spine, thereby impairing functionality and causing conditions such as back pain.
Research suggests that back pain is closely associated with our sleeping posture. An incorrect sleeping position aggravates existing pain by placing stress on the hips, back, and neck.
To prevent back pain, it is vital to ensure proper alignment of the shoulders, hips, and head during sleep. If you aim to avoid back pain, consider the following sleep positions:
- Sleeping in the fetal position.
- Reclining back sleep.
- Back sleeping with knee support.
- Front sleeping with a pillow under the stomach.
- Side sleeping with a pillow between the knees.
- Front sleeping with the head face down.
These sleeping techniques can aid in freeing you from back pain issues. Also, selecting the right pillow and mattress is crucial, as their firmness can contribute to back pain.
How to alleviate back pain?
If you are experiencing back pain, here are some strategies to lessen your discomfort:
- Biofeedback.
- Nerve Stimulation.
- Avoid resting if your back is sore.
- Talk Therapy.
- Manual Therapy.
- Physical Rehabilitation.
- Over-the-Counter Medicines.
- Antidepressant Medications.
- Enhance Sleep Quality.
- Application of Ice and Heat.
- Back Surgery.
- Prescription Painkillers.
- Spinal Injections.
We hope these recommendations aid in alleviating your back pain. Always consult a healthcare provider to identify the most suitable approach for your condition. Remember, vigilance is key to avoiding debilitating back pain.