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People take a lot of time and effort and put a lot of consideration when purchasing mattresses. A mattresses’ comfort and durability is one of the key factors people consider when they purchase a mattress. After all, the bed or the bedroom is our haven where we all sleep away our exhaustion and should be a source of comfort and relaxation. So it can be quite stressful and uncomfortable when the mattress that we sleep in makes us wake up with aches and pains or cause sleepless nights.

In spite of all the hype for memory foam mattresses, spring coil mattresses are still being chosen by people when they consider buying a mattress. There are many spring coil mattress manufacturers and Kingsdown is a spring coil mattress manufacturer that has been producing good quality spring coil mattresses for over a hundred years. The coils they use in their Kingsdown Body Shape mattress are from high tempered steel, making it last longer than the traditional coils and provides good back or weight support. They offer different kinds of mattresses that suit different peoples’ needs in terms of comfort and durability.

Kingsdown also has their Dormo diagnostic sleep machine that helps buyers choose a mattress suited to their needs. Another innovation that Kingsdown has made is their partner perfect mattress that eliminates the motion disturbance when a person shifts in their sleep. They have made changes in the structure of the coils so that it does not shift or wave when a person moves, causing the other person to wake up or be disturbed by the sudden movement.

The foam layers used by Kingsdown are also hypoallergenic. The foam that they use is either Flexatron or Qualatex that provides much comfort to the user. The mattresses made by Kingsdown offer comfort and durability while not costing as much as the expensive memory foam or latex foam beds.

Kingsdown has put tradition and technology together in creating good quality mattresses for users. They have been around the mattress making industry to know what buyers are looking for in mattresses and they employ technology in improving the quality of their beds, like their coil springs in order to enhance the durability of their mattresses.

But in spite of all the improvements and technology changes made in the manufacturing process, there is still much needed improvement in the Kingsdown mattresses. The downside of getting Kingsdown inner coil mattresses is that it does sag. The mattresses provide the comfort that it offers but in terms of durability, as with any spring coil beds, the coils and the bed begins to sag after a few years of use. The manufacturer does offer a twenty year warranty for the mattresses, but the warranty is restrictive.

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