“Hide Your Box Spring with These Genius Tricks!”

Covers are incredibly beneficial for your metal frame and box spring. They shield them from dust, scratches, or various impacts. Therefore, applying covers is highly recommended. There are numerous methods to effectively encase your box spring and metal frame.

In this article, we will demonstrate how you can easily encase your box spring and metal frame in a short amount of time. Let’s begin:

Create a Cover for the Box Spring and Metal Frame in Basic Steps

The box spring and metal frame are prevalent in nearly all households with beds. A combination particularly common is the low profile box spring with a metal frame. They provide additional height to the bed, raising it slightly above the floor. A cover enhances the overall aesthetic of your bed. Here’s a guide on how to encapsulate your box spring and metal frame:

Firstly, secure three yards of any chosen fabric.


Secondly, slice the fabric into three portions to form extended strips. Two strips will extend along the bed’s length and wrap around the back, while the third is cut accordingly to the bed’s width and will align with the front panel.


Thirdly, stitch the fabric pieces and envelop them around the box spring and metal frame. You need to sew these into a lengthy band of fabric and position it around the bed, aiding in securing the mattress.


Fourthly, drape and stitch each corner. This step requires you to precisely sew each corner to ensure the fabric band tightly encloses the box spring and metal frame.


Finally, affix concealed elastics to maintain the cover’s snug fit. This feature not only simplifies removal when necessary but ensures a secure fit.


Your cover is now ready. You can effortlessly slip your box spring or metal frame into the cover.

4 Additional Simple Methods to Cover a Box Spring and Metal Frame

Box springs and metal frames are versatile for any bedroom due to their multiple benefits, which we will discuss more below. Here are four techniques to cover your box spring and metal frame:

  1. Obtain a bed skirt of the correct dimensions to drape over your box spring and metal frame. This requires lifting the mattress to adjust and secure the skirt around the frame.
  2. Encase the box spring and metal frame using fabric or any desired materials like old neckties to ribbons, cutting them into strips. Begin at one metal end and proceed to the other, binding them firmly, which aids in covering both components.
  3. Utilize a quilt, comforter, or blanket to cloak your box spring and metal frame. Opt for sizes larger than the frame dimensions for an easy cover-up.
  4. Align a cover for your box spring and metal frame with the room’s decor. Accomplish this by applying pool noodles along the frame’s sides, adding as many as needed to fully cover.

Advantages of Covering a Box Spring or Metal Frame

Covers for box springs and metal frames offer numerous benefits to users. Here are some principal advantages:

  • They reduce the time spent on maintenance.
  • Covers shield your box spring and metal frame from stains, spills, and mishaps.
  • They block bed bugs and dust mites.
  • Covers aid in preventing mold and mildew.
  • They obstruct the entry of dander, pollen, and other allergens.
  • Covers enhance the lifespan of your box spring and metal frame.

In today’s discussion, we provided insights on how to cover a box spring and metal frame. Certainly, equipping your box spring and metal frame with a cover is a wise choice. We trust this guide will assist you in covering your box spring and metal frame efficiently.

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